Be Kind….

Two simple little words that could change the world…your world, my world, THE world.

How many times as a child did you hear those words? Or as a parent…how many times have you SAID those words?”

Two simple little words that can be so hard to actually DO oftentimes. Life is hard I understand that, and PEOPLE…. are REALLY hard. There’s always the easy shake of the head or the roll of the eyes as we move along our day. Ok, think for a minute…have you done the shake of the head or the roll of the eyes in frustration today? At work. At home? Come on….be honest. Were you short of patience or just done with “that person.” Was it totally necessary? Perhaps a little bit of grace would have been kind. Oh, I know, grace….is very hard to offer many days! I am in the midst of a little tailspin right now in my life and I’m VERY SHORT on grace. Without getting into my story with you, yeah…. I need to have a chat with God. Why? Whyyyy God?! But I fear God, and I know for certain, that God will turn that chat around on me! Our God is a sovereign God….a God of grace and mercy! We surely don’t deserve it. But, we want to be at peace and we want to be good stewards!

Ok, here’s the deal…..I’ll go have my chat with God if you my friend….stop the shaking of the head and the rolling of the eyes and offer “a little bit of grace.”

BE KIND….make it a habit…if we don’t make it a habit, it doesn’t happen.

Do it….for Jesus today!!

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